Technical data sheets - Cà da l'Era Farm
"Prünent" Ossola Valleys DOC Nebbiolo Superiore 2021
The origins of this vine date back to 1300, used in the past in trade. Produced on terraces of dry stone walls that extend over a terrain with a difference in altitude of 150 meters, capturing all the heat of the sun and creating a unique microclimate. The work of the vineyard, as well as the harvest, are carried out exclusively by hand.
Vinification : The perfectly ripe and healthy bunches are carefully selected and manually collected in crates to then be immediately sent for vinification, in order to avoid any type of early spontaneous fermentation. After crushing-destemming and the start of fermentation, the same continues with the cap emerged with daily pumping over for about 15 days. After the first rackings necessary for the racking of the young wine, the wine is allowed to undergo malolactic fermentation. The process continues with racking directly into regenerated 500-liter oak barrels (tonneau) for about 13 months. As a final step, bottling takes place, where the wine continues to refine until it is marketed.
Tasting : Garnet colored wine. On the nose hints of red fruits in jam, violet and black pepper, on the finish notes of black cherry and licorice. In the mouth the sip is crispy, full and pulpy. Fine, broad and persistent, typically tannic and rich in acidity.
Denomination : Valli Ossolane DOC Nebbiolo Superiore
Grape variety : 100% Nebbiolo
Yield : 30 q/ha
Surface area : 1 ha terraced
Training system : Guyot and “toppia” (typical pergola training system)
Bottles produced : 225
Alcohol content: 13.5%
Nutritional values per 100 ml: 85 Kcal - 355.64 Kj
for 750 ml: 622 Kcal - 2610.82 Kj
per glass: (170 ml): 132 Kcal - 552.22 Kj
The origins of this vine date back to the 1300s, used in trade in the past, it is the most sought-after product of local viticulture. Produced on terraces of dry-stone walls that extend over a 150-metre difference in height, trapping all the sun's heat and creating a unique microclimate. The work in the vineyard, as well as the harvest, is carried out exclusively by hand.
Vinification: The perfectly ripe and healthy bunches of grapes are carefully selected and hand-picked in boxes and then immediately sent to vinification, in order to avoid any kind of early spontaneous fermentation. After crushing and destemming and the start of fermentation, fermentation continues with the cap emerged with daily pumping over for about 15 days. After the first racking necessary for racking the young wine, the wine undergoes malolactic fermentation. The process continues with racking directly into 500-litre regenerated oak casks (tonneaux) for about 13 months. As a final step, bottling takes place, where the wine continues to age until it is marketed.
Tasting: Garnet-coloured wine. On the nose hints of jammy red fruits, violets and black pepper, on the finish notes of black cherry and liqueur. In the mouth the taste is crisp, full and pulpy. Fine, broad and persistent, typically tannic and rich in acidity.
Denomination: Ossola Valleys DOC Nebbiolo Superiore
Grape variety: 100% Nebbiolo
Yield: 30 q/ha
Area: 1 ha terraced
Training system: Guyot and 'toppia' (typical pergola training system)
Alcoholic degrees: 13.5%
Nutritional values for 100 ml: 85 Kcal - 355.64 Kj
for 750 ml: 622 Kcal - 2610.82 Kj
for glass: (170 ml): 132 Kcal - 552.22 Kj
The price will be paid for up to 1300 years. Please contact the Handel and see the best-tested product from the local winery. Der Wein wird auf Terrassen mit Trockenmauern angebaut, die sich über einen Höhenunterschied von 150 Metern erstrecken und so die gesamte Sonnenwärme abfangen und in einzigartiges Mikroklima schaffen. Die Arbeit im Weinberg sowie die Weinlese werden ausschließlich von Hand durchgeführt.
Winery: The perfect description and handling of the trauben are sorgfältig ausgewählt und von Hand in Kisten geerntet und dann sofort zur Weinbereitung geschickt, um jede Art von vorzeitiger Spontangärung zu vermeiden. After the Keltern and Abbeeren and the Beginner of the Gärung the Gärung will be with a new Tresterhut and a full Umpumpen for 15 days. According to the first Abstich, for the Umfüllen des jungen Weins notwendig ist, wird der Wein der malolaktischen Gärung unterzogen. Der Prozess wird mit dem direkten Umfüllen in 500-Liter-Fässer aus regenerierter Eiche (Tonneaux) für etwa 13 Monate fortigesetzt. Der letzte Schritt ist die Abfüllung in Flaschen, wo der Wein bis zu seiner Vermarktung weiter reift.
Cost: Granatfarbener Wein. In der Nase Noten von konfitürartigen roten Früchten, Veilchen und schwarzem Pfeffer, im Abgang Noten von Schwarzkirsche und Lakritze. Im Mund ist der Geschmack knackig, voll und fleischig. Fein, breit und anhaltend, typisch tanninhaltig und reich an Säure.
Description: Ossola Valleys DOC Nebbiolo Superiore
Rebsorte: 100% Nebbiolo
Excerpt: 30 q/ha
Floor: 1 hectare terraced
Erziehungssystem: Guyot and "toppia" (typical Pergola-Erziehungssystem)
Alcohol content: 13.5%
Nährwertangaben für 100 ml: 85 Kcal - 355.64 Kj
for 750 ml: 622 Kcal - 2610.82 Kj
for Glass: (170 ml): 132 Kcal - 552.22 Kj
"Cadaléra" Ossola Valleys DOC Red 2022
Valli Ossolane DOC Rosso wine Obtained from Merlot, Barbera and Nebbiolo grapes and bottled with a “Stelvin” model screw cap.
Vinification : The grapes are harvested manually in crates and immediately sent for vinification. After crushing-destemming and the autonomous start of fermentation, maceration begins, alternating the breaking of the cap with pumping over for about 10 days. After the first rackings necessary for the racking of the young wine, malolactic fermentation is carried out autonomously and slowly, essential for the balance of the wine.
The refinement continues in small steel tanks, with the subsequent bottling which takes place without mechanical filtration, but only through gravity clarification.
Tasting : In the glass an intense ruby color. On the nose it presents hints of red fruits and flowers. Young, fresh wine, typically acidic and slightly tannic, balanced and persistent on the finish. Perfect as a whole meal or with platters of cold cuts and cheeses
Name : red wine
Common :
Grape variety : 50% Merlot, 40 % Barbera, 10% Nebbiolo
Yield : approximately 30 q/ha. Very low yield since the vines are over 50 years old
Surface area : small plots scattered throughout the territory. Average height 350 meters above sea level. Cultivation system: guyot and toppia (pergola cultivation system)
Alcohol content : 13.0%
Nutritional values per 100 ml: 83 Kcal - 347.27 Kj
for 750 ml: 622 Kcal - 2602.45 Kj
per glass: (170 ml): 130 Kcal - 543.92 Kj
Valli Ossolane Doc Rosso' wine obtained from Merlot, Barbera and Nebbiolo grapes and bottled with a 'Stelvin' model screw cap.
Vinification: The grapes are harvested manually in boxes and immediately sent to vinification. After destemming and independent start of fermentation, maceration begins, alternating cap breaking with pumping over for about 10 days. After the first racking necessary for racking the young wine, the malolactic fermentation, indispensable for the wine's balance, is carried out independently and without haste. Refinement continues in small steel tanks, followed by bottling, which takes place without mechanical filtration, but only by gravity clarification.
Tasting: An intense ruby color in the glass. The nose presents hints of red fruits and flowers. A young, fresh, typically acidic and slightly tannic wine, balanced and persistent on the finish. Perfect as the whole meal or with cold cuts and cheeses.
Denomination: Ossola Valleys Doc Red
Grape variety: 50% Merlot, 40% Barbera, 10% Nebbiolo
Yield: approximately 30 q/ha. Very low yield as the vines are over 50 years old
Area: small plots scattered throughout the territory. Average height 350 meters above sea level
Training system: guyot and toppia (pergola training system)
Alcohol content: 13.0%
Nutritional Values for 100 ml: 83 Kcal - 347.27 Kj
for 750 ml: 622 Kcal - 2602.45 Kj
for glass (170 ml): 130 Kcal - 543.92 Kj
The wine "Valli Ossolane Doc Rosso" is made from the Rebsorten Merlot, Barbera and Nebbiolo combined with one Schraubverschluss des Modells "Stelvin" abgefüllt.
Winery: The Trauben werden von Hand in Kisten geerntet und sofort zur Weinbereitung gebracht. After the Abbeeren and the unabhängigen Begin the Gärung beginnt die Mazeration, wobei sich das Aufbrechen des Tresterhutes mit dem Umpumpen für etwa 10 Days abwechselt. According to the first Abstich, for the Umfüllen of young Weins notwendig ist, wird die malolaktische Gärung, die für das Gleichgewicht des Weins is unerlässlich, unabhängig und ohne Eile durchgeführt. Die Verfeinerung wird in small Stahltanks fortigesetzt, gefolgt von der Abfüllung in Flaschen, die ohne mechanische Filtration, sondern nur durch Schwerkraftklärung erfolgt.
Cost: Im Glas eine intensive rubinrote Farbe. In der Nase zeigen sich Noten von roten Früchten und Blumen. Ein junger, frischer, saurebetonter und licht tanninhaltiger Wein, ausgewogen und anhaltend im Abgang. Er eignet sich hervorragend zu einer ganzen Mahlzeit oder zu Aufschnitt und Käse.
Description: Ossola Valleys Doc Red
Rebsorte: 50% Merlot, 40% Barbera, 10% Nebbiolo
Excerpt: etwa 30 q/ha. Sehr niedriger Ertrag, da die Rebstöcke über 50 Jahre alt sind
Floor: small Parzellen, die über das gesamte Gebiet verstreut sind. Durchschnittliche Höhe: 350 m über dem Meeresspiegel
Erziehungssystem: Guyot and Toppia (Pergola-Erziehungssystem)
Alcohol content: 13.0%
Further information per 100 ml: 83 Kcal - 347.27 Kj
pro 750 ml: 622 Kcal - 2602.45 Kj
pro Glas (170 ml): 130 Kcal - 543.92 Kj
"PdiPietro" Ossola Valleys DOC Nebbiolo 2022
Valli Ossolane DOC Nebbiolo wine from terraced vineyards whose particularity is that it is aged for 10 months exclusively in steel tanks, maintaining the primitive characteristics of this vine variety.
Vinification : The grapes are harvested manually in crates and immediately sent for vinification. After crushing-destemming and the start of fermentation, maceration begins with the cap emerging with pumping over for about 10 days. The first rackings necessary for the racking of the young wine are done , the wine is subjected to malolactic fermentation, which is essential for a great red. At this point, maturation begins in steel tanks for at least 10 months, followed by refinement in the bottle.
Tasting : Ruby-colored wine; hints of ripe red fruits on the nose and spices on the finish. In the mouth it shows a pleasant tannicity, accompanied by an acidity typical of the denomination; fine, harmonious and persistent wine.
Denomination : Valli Ossolane DOC Nebbiolo
Grape variety : 100% Nebbiolo
Yield : 40 q/ha
Surface area : 1 ha terraced
Training system : Guyot and Toppia (typical pergola training)
Alcohol content : 13.0%
Nutritional values per 100 ml: 83 Kcal - 347.27 Kj
for 750 ml: 622 Kcal - 2602.45 Kj
per glass: (170 ml): 130 Kcal - 543.92 Kj
Valli Ossolane DOC Nebbiolo wine from terraced vineyards whose special feature is that it is aged for 10 months exclusively in steel tanks, maintaining the primitive characteristics of this grape variety.
Vinification: The grapes are harvested by hand in boxes and immediately sent to vinification. After crushing and destemming and the start of fermentation, maceration begins with emerging cap with pumping over for about 10 days. After the first racking necessary for racking the young wine, malolactic fermentation, which is essential for a great red, is made to the wine. At this point, maturation begins in steel tanks for at least 10 months, followed by, aging in the bottle.
Tasting: Ruby-colored wine; on the nose hints of ripe red fruits and on the finish spices. In the mouth it denotes a pleasant tannicity, accompanied by an acidity typical of the appellation; fine, harmonious and persistent wine.
Appellation: Ossola Valleys DOC Nebbiolo
Grape variety: 100% Nebbiolo
Yield: 40 q/ha
Area: 1 ha terraced
Training system: Guyot and Toppia (typical pergola training)
Alcoholic degrees: 13.0%
Nutritional Values for 100 ml: 83 Kcal - 347.27 Kj
for 750 ml: 622 Kcal - 2602.45 Kj
for glass (170 ml): 130 Kcal - 543.92 Kj
Valli Ossolane DOC Nebbiolo Wein aus terrassierten Weinbergen, dessen Besonderheit darin besteht, dass er 10 Monate lang ausschließlich in Stahltanks ausgebaut wird, um die ursprünglichen Eigenschaften dieser Rebsorte zu erhalten.
Winery: The Trauben werden von Hand in Kisten geerntet und sofort zur Weinbereitung gebracht. After the Keltern and Abbeeren and the Beginner of the Gärung begin the Mazeration with aufgeschlagenem Tresterhut unter Umpumpen für etwa 10 Day. According to the first Abstich, for the Umfüllen of young Weins notwendig ist, wird der Wein der malolaktischen Gärung unterzogen, die für einen large Rotwein unerlässlich ist. Dann beginnt die Reifung in Stahltanks für mindestens 10 Monate, gefolgt von der Flaschenreifung.
Tasting: Ein rubinroter Wein; in der Nase Noten von reifen roten Früchten und im Abgang Gewürze. Im Mund zeigt er eine angenehme Tanninstruktur, begleitet von einer für die Herkunftsbezeichnung typischen Säure; finer, harmonischer and anhaltender wine.
Description: Ossola Valleys DOC Nebbiolo
Rebsorte: 100% Nebbiolo
Excerpt: 40 q/ha
Floor: 1 hectare terraced
Erziehungssystem: Guyot and Toppia (typical Pergola-Erziehungssystem)
Alcohol content: 13.0%
Nährwertangaben pro 100 ml: 83 Kcal - 347.27 Kj
pro 750 ml: 622 Kcal - 2602.45 Kj
pro Glas (170 ml): 130 Kcal - 543.92 Kj
"Dulz" Wine from overripe grapes
Wine obtained from overripe grapes coming from vineyards up to an altitude of 800 m above sea level
Vinification : The grapes are selected and harvested manually already slightly dried on the shoots. This is followed by further drying on racks in well-ventilated rooms to avoid the onset of unwanted mold, at the end of which the bunches are destemmed and pressed. Spontaneous fermentation then takes place in steel tanks, with final maceration of the skins. After the first rackings necessary for the racking, the wine is stored in steel vats and then undergoes a final clarification. This is followed by bottling in 0.375 l bottles.
Tasting : Wine with intense golden yellow reflections. It presents itself as a wine obtained from dried grapes in continuous evolution thanks to the rich and multifaceted tertiary balsamic and aromatic herb scents that, surrounded by the unmistakable dried apricot and salty hints in the finish, help it in freshness and acidity, inviting another sip. Perfect served fresh in combination with cheeses and dry pastries, as well as with the classic leavened desserts of the holidays.
Yield : very low
Surface area : various plots of land on terraces with south-east exposure, average height from 250 to 800 metres above sea level.
Training system : Guyot
Alcohol content : 15.5%
Nutritional values per 100 ml (glass): 173 Kcal - 723.83 Kj
for 750 ml: 1297.5 Kcal - 5428.74 Kj
Wine made from overripe grapes from vineyards up to 800 m above sea level.
Vinification: The grapes are selected and harvested by hand already slightly dried on the vine shoots. This is followed by further drying on racks in well-ventilated rooms to prevent the development of unwanted mould, after which the bunches are destemmed and crushed. Spontaneous fermentation then takes place in steel tanks, with final maceration of the skins. After the first racking necessary for racking, the wine is stored in steel vats and then undergoes a final clarification. Bottling in 0.375 l bottles follows.
Tasting: A wine with intense golden yellow reflections. It presents itself as a wine made from overripe grapes that continues to evolve thanks to the rich and multifaceted balsamic and herbal tertiary aromas that, surrounded by the unmistakable dried apricot and brackish hints on the finish, help it in freshness and acidity, enticing one to take another sip. Perfect served chilled with blue cheeses and dry pastries, as well as classic festive leavened desserts.
Yield: very low
Area: different pieces of land on terraces with south-eastern exposure. Average height from 250 to 800 meters above sea level.
Training system: Guyot
Alcohol content: 15.5%
Nutritional values per 100 ml (glass): 173 Kcal - 723.83 Kj
for 750 ml: 1297.5 Kcal - 5428.74 Kj
Wein aus überreifen Trauben aus Weinbergen bis zu 800 m über dem Meeresspiegel.
Winery: The Trauben werden von Hand ausgewählt und geerntet und bereits leicht getrocknet. It follows a further Trocknung auf Gestellen in gut belüfteten Räumen, um unerwünschte Schimmeldung zu verhindern, dann werden die Trauben entrappt und gequetscht. The spontaneous Gärung erfolgt dann in Stahltanks mit abschließender Mazeration der Schalen. According to the first Abstich, the remaining water is stored, the wine in the Stahltanks is frozen and a third of the water is added. Es folgt die Abfüllung in 0,375-l-Flaschen.
Tasting: A wine with intensive golden reflections. Please feel that even the wine from the überreifen Trauben, the danger of the reichhaltigen and vielschichtigen tertiären balsamic and kräuterartigen Noten ständig weiterentwickelt. Umgeben von den unverkennbaren Noten von getrockneten Aprikosen und Brackwasser im Abgang, verleiht er ihm Fresh und Säure, die zu once again Schluck verleiten. Perfect for desserts and snacks, as well as classic festive desserts with dessert.
Excerpt: very gracious
Location: verschiedene Parzellen auf Terrassen mit Süd-Ost-Ausrichtung. Durchschnittliche Höhe von 250 bis 800 m über dem Meeresspiegel.
Erziehungssystem: Guyot
Alcohol content: 15.5%
Nährwertangaben pro 100 ml (Glas): 173 Kcal - 723.83 Kj
pro 750 ml: 1297.5 Kcal - 5428.74 Kj
"Strobilo" Pinot Noir
Pinot Noir is considered one of the noblest of the red grape varieties. It is a difficult grape variety, both in cultivation and in winemaking, extremely sensitive to the terroir. This is the reason for the different interpretation depending on the production area. For this reason it places the consumer and the professional in front of one of the most complex winemaking realities. Cultivated in the Municipality of Trontano on terraces of dry stone walls that extend over a land at an altitude of about 400 meters above sea level, capturing all the heat of the sun and creating a unique microclimate. The work of the vineyard, as well as the harvest, are carried out exclusively by hand .
Vinification : The bunches, compact, short and cylindrical, perfectly ripe and healthy, are carefully selected and manually collected in crates to then be immediately sent for vinification, in order to avoid any type of early spontaneous fermentation. After crushing and destemming and the start of fermentation, the same continues with the cap emerged with daily pumping over for about 10 days. After the first rackings necessary for the racking of the young wine, the wine is allowed to undergo malolactic fermentation. The process continues with racking directly into 250-liter oak barrels for about 9 months. As a final step, bottling takes place, where the wine continues to refine until it is marketed.
Tasting: Ruby-colored wine. On the nose, hints of jam, violet, black pepper, cloves. In the mouth, the sip is fruity, slightly tannic, full-bodied and elegant.
Name: Red Wine
Grape variety : 100% Pinot Noir
Yield : 30 q/ha
Training system: Spurred cordon
Bottles produced: 300
Alcohol content: 13.0%
Nutritional values per 100 ml: 85 Kcal - 355.64 Kj
for 750 ml: 622 Kcal - 2610.82 Kj
per glass: (170 ml): 132 Kcal - 552.22 Kj
Pinot Noir is considered one of the noblest red grape varieties. It is a challenging grape, both in terms of cultivation and winemaking, and is extremely sensitive to the terroir. This is the reason for the various interpretations depending on the production area. For this reason, it presents both consumers and professionals with one of the most complex winemaking realities. It is cultivated in the municipality of Trontano on terraced dry stone walls that extend over land at an altitude of about 400 meters above sea level, capturing all the sun's heat and creating a unique microclimate. Vineyard work, as well as harvesting, are carried out exclusively by hand .
Winemaking : The clusters, compact, short, and cylindrical, perfectly ripe and healthy, are carefully selected and hand-harvested in small crates, then immediately transferred to fermentation to prevent any early spontaneous fermentation. After crushing and destemming, fermentation begins, continuing with submerged cap and daily pump-overs for about 10 days. After the first rackings necessary for the clarification of the young wine, malolactic fermentation is carried out. The process continues with transfer directly into 250-liter oak barrels for about 9 months. The final step is bottling, where the wine continues to mature until it is ready for sale.
Tasting : The wine has a ruby color. On the nose, there are hints of jam, violet, black pepper, and cloves. On the palate, it is fruity, slightly tannic, full-bodied, and elegant..
Denomination : Red Wine
Grape variety : 100% Pinot Noir
Yield : 30 q/ha
Training system : Guyot
Bottles produced : 300
Alcohol content : 13.0%
Nutritional values for 100 ml: 85 Kcal - 355.64 Kj
for 750 ml: 622 Kcal - 2610.82 Kj
for glass: (170 ml): 132 Kcal - 552.22 Kj
Pinot Noir gilt als eine der edelsten roten Rebsorten. It is a yearly harvest, sowohl im Anbau also in der Vinifizierung, und äußerst empfindlich gegenüber dem Terroir. This is the Grund für die unterschiedlichen Interpretationen je nach Anbaugebiet. From this Grund stellt es sowohl für den Verbraucher als also für den Fachmann eine der komplexesten Weinerfahrungen dar. Angebaut wird er in der Gemeinde Trontano auf Terrassen von Trockenmauern, die sich auf einem Gelände in einer Höhe von etwa 400 m ü.dM erstrecken, das die gesamte Wärme der Sonne einfängt und in einzigartiges Mikroklima schafft. Die Arbeit im Weinberg sowie die Ernte werden ausschließlich von Hand durchgeführt.
Vinification : Die Trauben, compact, short and zylindrisch, perfekt reif und gesund, werden sorgfältig ausgewählt und von Hand in Kisten geerntet, um dann sofort in die Vinifikation überführt zu werden, um un frühzeitige spontaneous Gärung zu vermeiden. Once the entrance and the lift begin, the cleaning begins for 10 days with a fully loaded deck. After the first Abfüllungen zur Klärung des jungen Weins erfolgt die malolaktische Gärung. Der Prozess wird fortigesetzt, indem der Wein direkt in 250-Liter-Eichenfässer überführt wird, wo er etwa 9 Monate verbleibt. Der letzte Schritt ist die Abfüllung, bei der der Wein bis zur Vermarktung weiter reift.
Verkostung : Der Wein hat eine rubinrote Farbe. In the nose are aromas of marmelade, veilchen, schwarzem pfeffer and nelken zu finden. Am Gaumen is fruchtig, light tanninhaltig, körperreich and elegant.
Description : Red wine
Grape variety : 100% Pinot Noir
Yield : 30 q/ha
Erziehungssystem : Guyot
Produced Bottles : 300
Alcohol content : 13.0%
Nährwertangaben für 100 ml: 85 Kcal - 355.64 Kj
for 750 ml: 622 Kcal - 2610.82 Kj
for Glass: (170 ml): 132 Kcal - 552.22 Kj