"Cadalèra" Valli Ossolane DOC Red 2023

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"Valli Ossolane Doc Rosso" wine obtained from Merlot, Barbera and Nebbiolo grapes and bottled with a “Stelvin” screw cap.

Vinification : The grapes are harvested manually in crates and immediately sent for vinification. After crushing-destemming and the autonomous start of fermentation, maceration begins, alternating the breaking of the cap with pumping over for about 10 days. After the first rackings necessary for the racking of the young wine, the malolactic fermentation is carried out autonomously and slowly, essential for the balance of the wine. The refinement continues in small steel tanks, with the subsequent bottling that occurs without mechanical filtration, but only through gravity clarification.

Tasting: In the glass an intense ruby ​​color. On the nose it presents hints of red fruits and flowers. Young wine, fresh, typically acidic and slightly tannic, balanced and persistent on the finish. Perfect as a whole meal or with platters of cold cuts and cheeses.

Denomination: Valli Ossolane Doc Rosso

Grape variety : 50% Merlot, 40% Barbera, 10% Nebbiolo

Yield : approximately 30 q/ha. Very low yield since the vines are over 50 years old

Surface area: small plots scattered throughout the territory. Average altitude 350 meters above sea level

Training system: guyot and toppia (training system on pergola)

Alcohol content: 13.0%

Nutritional values ​​per 100 ml: 83 Kcal - 347.27 Kj
for 750 ml: 622 Kcal - 2602.45 Kj
per glass: (170 ml): 130 Kcal - 543.92 Kj

Valli Ossolane Doc Rosso' wine obtained from Merlot, Barbera and Nebbiolo grapes and bottled with a 'Stelvin' model screw cap.

Vinification: The grapes are harvested manually in boxes and immediately sent to vinification. After destemming and independent start of fermentation, maceration begins, alternating cap breaking with pumping over for about 10 days. After the first racking necessary for racking the young wine, the malolactic fermentation, indispensable for the wine's balance, is carried out independently and without haste. Refinement continues in small steel tanks, followed by bottling, which takes place without mechanical filtration, but only by gravity clarification.

Tasting: An intense ruby ​​color in the glass. The nose presents hints of red fruits and flowers. A young, fresh, typically acidic and slightly tannic wine, balanced and persistent on the finish. Perfect as the whole meal or with cold cuts and cheeses.

Denomination: Valli Ossolane Doc Rosso

Grape variety: 50% Merlot, 40% Barbera, 10% Nebbiolo

Yield: approximately 30 q/ha. Very low yield as the vines are over 50 years old

Area: small plots scattered throughout the territory. Average height 350 meters above sea level

Training system: guyot and toppia (pergola training system)

Alcohol content: 13.0%

Nutritional Values ​​for 100 ml: 83 Kcal - 347.27 Kj
for 750 ml: 622 Kcal - 2602.45 Kj
for glass (170 ml): 130 Kcal - 543.92 Kj

The wine "Valli Ossolane Doc Rosso" is made from the Rebsorten Merlot, Barbera and Nebbiolo together with one Schraubverschluss des Modells "Stelvin" abgefüllt.

Weinbereitung: Die Trauben werden von Hand in Kisten geerntet und sofort zur Weinbereitung gebracht. After the Abbeeren and the unabhängigen Beginn der Gärung beginnt die Mazeration, wobei sich das Aufbrechen des Tresterhutes mit dem Umpumpen für etwa 10 Days abwechselt. According to the first Abstich, for the Umfüllen of young Weins notwendig ist, wird die malolaktische Gärung, die für das Gleichgewicht des Weins is unerlässlich, unabhängig und ohne Eile durchgeführt. Die Verfeinerung wird in small Stahltanks fortigesetzt, gefolgt von der Abfüllung in Flaschen, die ohne mechanische Filtration, sondern nur durch Schwerkraftklärung erfolgt.

Verkostung: Im Glas eine intensive rubinrote Farbe. In der Nase zeigen sich Noten von roten Früchten und Blumen. Ein junger, frischer, säurebetonter und licht tanninhaltiger Wein, ausgewogen und anhaltend im Abgang. Er eignet sich hervorragend zu einer ganzen Mahlzeit oder zu Aufschnitt und Käse.

Bezeichnung: Valli Ossolane Doc Rosso

Rebsorte: 50% Merlot, 40% Barbera, 10% Nebbiolo

Ertrag: etwa 30 q/ha. Sehr niedriger Ertrag, da die Rebstöcke über 50 Jahre alt sind

Fläche: small Parzellen, die über das gesamte Gebiet verstreut sind. Durchschnittliche Höhe: 350 m über dem Meeresspiegel

Erziehungssystem: Guyot und Toppia (Pergola-Erziehungssystem)

Alcohol content: 13.0%

Nährwertangaben pro 100 ml: 83 Kcal - 347.27 Kj
pro 750 ml: 622 Kcal - 2602.45 Kj
pro Glas (170 ml): 130 Kcal - 543.92 Kj