"PdiPietro" Valli Ossolane DOC Nebbiolo 2023

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Valli Ossolane DOC Nebbiolo wine from terraced vineyards whose particularity is that of refining for 10 months exclusively in steel tanks, maintaining the primitive characteristics of this vine.

Vinification : The grapes are harvested manually in crates and immediately sent to the vinification. After crushing-destemming and the start of fermentation, the maceration with the cap emerged begins with pumping over for about 10 days. After the first rackings necessary for the racking of the young wine, the wine is made to undergo malolactic fermentation, essential for a great red. At this point the maturation begins in steel tanks for at least 10 months, followed by the refinement in the bottle.

Tasting: Ruby-colored wine; hints of ripe red fruits on the nose and spices on the finish. In the mouth it shows a pleasant tannicity, accompanied by an acidity typical of the denomination; fine, harmonious and persistent wine.

Denomination: Valli Ossolane DOC Nebbiolo

Grape variety : 100% Nebbiolo

Yield : 40 q/ha

Surface area: 1 ha terraced

Training system: Guyot and Toppia (typical pergola training)

Alcohol content: 13.0%

Nutritional values ​​per 100 ml: 83 Kcal - 347.27 Kj
for 750 ml: 622 Kcal - 2602.45 Kj
per glass: (170 ml): 130 Kcal - 543.92 Kj

Valli Ossolane DOC Nebbiolo wine from terraced vineyards whose special feature is that it is aged for 10 months exclusively in steel tanks, maintaining the primitive characteristics of this grape variety.

Vinification: The grapes are harvested by hand in boxes and immediately sent to vinification. After crushing and destemming and the start of fermentation, maceration begins with emerging cap with pumping over for about 10 days. After the first racking necessary for racking the young wine, malolactic fermentation, which is essential for a great red, is made to the wine. At this point, maturation begins in steel tanks for at least 10 months, followed by, aging in the bottle.

Tasting: Ruby-colored wine; on the nose hints of ripe red fruits and on the finish spices. In the mouth it denotes a pleasant tannicity, accompanied by an acidity typical of the appellation; fine, harmonious and persistent wine.

Appellation: Valli Ossolane DOC Nebbiolo

Grape variety: 100% Nebbiolo

Yield: 40 q/ha

Area: 1 ha terraced

Training system: Guyot and Toppia (typical pergola training)

Alcoholic degrees: 13.0%

Nutritional Values ​​for 100 ml: 83 Kcal - 347.27 Kj
for 750 ml: 622 Kcal - 2602.45 Kj
for glass (170 ml): 130 Kcal - 543.92 Kj

Valli Ossolane DOC Nebbiolo Wein aus terrassierten Weinbergen, dessen Besonderheit darin besteht, dass er 10 Monate lang ausschließlich in Stahltanks ausgebaut wird, um die ursprünglichen Eigenschaften dieser Rebsorte zu erhalten.

Weinbereitung: Die Trauben werden von Hand in Kisten geerntet und sofort zur Weinbereitung gebracht. After the Keltern and Abbeeren and the Beginner of the Gärung begin the Mazeration with aufgeschlagenem Tresterhut unter Umpumpen für etwa 10 Day. According to the first Abstich, for the Umfüllen of young Weins notwendig ist, wird der Wein der malolaktischen Gärung unterzogen, die für einen large Rotwein unerlässlich ist. Dann beginnt die Reifung in Stahltanks für mindestens 10 Monate, gefolgt von der Flaschenreifung.

Tasting: A rubinroter Wine; in der Nase Noten von reifen roten Früchten und im Abgang Gewürze. Im Mund zeigt er eine angenehme Tanninstruktur, begleitet von einer für die Herkunftsbezeichnung typischen Säure; finer, harmonischer and anhaltender wine.

Herkunftsbezeichnung: Valli Ossolane DOC Nebbiolo

Grape variety: 100% Nebbiolo

Yield: 40 q/ha

Area: 1 ha terraced

Erziehungssystem: Guyot und Toppia (typisches Pergola-Erziehungssystem)

Alcohol content: 13.0%

Nährwertangaben pro 100 ml: 83 Kcal - 347.27 Kj
pro 750 ml: 622 Kcal - 2602.45 Kj
pro Glas (170 ml): 130 Kcal - 543.92 Kj