"Prünent" Valli Ossolane DOC Nebbiolo Superiore 2022
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The origins of this vine date back to 1300, used in the past in trade, represented the most sought-after product of local viticulture. Produced on terraces of dry stone walls that extend over a terrain with a difference in altitude of 150 meters, capturing all the heat of the sun and creating a unique microclimate. The work of the vineyard, as well as the harvest, are carried out exclusively by hand.
Vinification : The perfectly ripe and healthy bunches are carefully selected and manually collected in crates to then be immediately sent for vinification, in order to avoid any type of early spontaneous fermentation. After crushing-destemming and the start of fermentation, the same continues with the cap emerged with daily pumping over for about 15 days. After the first rackings necessary for the racking of the young wine, the wine is allowed to undergo malolactic fermentation. The process continues with racking directly into regenerated 500-liter oak barrels (tonneau) for about 13 months. As a final step, bottling takes place, where the wine continues to refine until it is marketed.
Tasting: Garnet colored wine. On the nose hints of red fruits in jam, violet and black pepper, on the finish notes of black cherry and licorice. In the mouth the sip is crispy, full and pulpy. Fine, broad and persistent, typically tannic and rich in acidity.
Denomination: Valli Ossolane DOC Nebbiolo Superiore
Grape variety : 100% Nebbiolo
Yield : 30 q/ha
Surface area: 1 ha terraced
Training system: Guyot and “toppia” (typical pergola training system)
Bottles produced: 1400
Alcohol content: 13.5%
Nutritional values per 100 ml: 85 Kcal - 355.64 Kj
for 750 ml: 622 Kcal - 2610.82 Kj
per glass: (170 ml): 132 Kcal - 552.22 Kj
The origins of this vine date back to the 1300s, used in trade in the past, it is the most sought-after product of local viticulture. Produced on terraces of dry-stone walls that extend over a 150-metre difference in height, trapping all the sun's heat and creating a unique microclimate. The work in the vineyard, as well as the harvest, is carried out exclusively by hand.
Vinification: The perfectly ripe and healthy bunches of grapes are carefully selected and hand-picked in boxes and then immediately sent to vinification, in order to avoid any kind of early spontaneous fermentation. After crushing and destemming and the start of fermentation, fermentation continues with the cap emerged with daily pumping over for about 15 days. After the first racking necessary for racking the young wine, the wine undergoes malolactic fermentation. The process continues with racking directly into 500-litre regenerated oak casks (tonneaux) for about 13 months. As a final step, bottling takes place, where the wine continues to age until it is marketed.
Tasting: Garnet-coloured wine. On the nose hints of jammy red fruits, violets and black pepper, on the finish notes of black cherry and liqueur. In the mouth the taste is crisp, full and pulpy. Fine, broad and persistent, typically tannic and rich in acidity.
Denomination: Valli Ossolane DOC Nebbiolo Superiore
Grape variety: 100% Nebbiolo
Yield: 30 q/ha
Area: 1 ha terraced
Training system: Guyot and 'toppia' (typical pergola training system)
Alcohol content: 13.5%
Nutritional values for 100 ml: 85 Kcal - 355.64 Kj
for 750 ml: 622 Kcal - 2610.82 Kj
for glass: (170 ml): 132 Kcal - 552.22 Kj
The price will be paid for up to 1300 years. Please contact the Handel and see the best-tested product from the local wine industry. Der Wein wird auf Terrassen mit Trockenmauern angebaut, die sich über einen Höhenunterschied von 150 Metern erstrecken und so die gesamte Sonnenwärme abfangen und in einzigartiges Mikroklima schaffen. Die Arbeit im Weinberg sowie die Weinlese werden ausschließlich von Hand durchgeführt.
Weinbereitung: Die perfekt reifen und gesunden Trauben werden sorgfältig ausgewählt und von Hand in Kisten geerntet und dann sofort zur Weinbereitung geschickt, um jede Art von vorzeitiger Spontangärung zu vermeiden. After the Keltern and Abbeeren and the Beginner of the Gärung the Gärung will be with a new Tresterhut and a full Umpumpen for 15 days. According to the first Abstich, for the Umfüllen des jungen Weins notwendig ist, wird der Wein der malolaktischen Gärung unterzogen. Der Prozess wird mit dem direkten Umfüllen in 500-Liter-Fässer aus regenerierter Eiche (Tonneaux) für etwa 13 Monate fortigesetzt. Der letzte Schritt ist die Abfüllung in Flaschen, wo der Wein bis zu seiner Vermarktung weiter reift.
Verkostung: Granatfarbener Wein. In der Nase Noten von konfitürartigen roten Früchten, Veilchen und schwarzem Pfeffer, im Abgang Noten von Schwarzkirsche und Lakritze. Im Mund ist der Geschmack knackig, voll und fleischig. Fein, breit und anhaltend, typisch tanninhaltig und reich an Säure.
Origin: Valli Ossolane DOC Nebbiolo Superiore
Grape variety: 100% Nebbiolo
Yield: 30 q/ha
Area: 1 ha terraced
Erziehungssystem: Guyot and "toppia" (typisches Pergola-Erziehungssystem)
Alcohol content: 13.5%
Nährwertangaben für 100 ml: 85 Kcal - 355.64 Kj
for 750 ml: 622 Kcal - 2610.82 Kj
for Glass: (170 ml): 132 Kcal - 552.22 Kj